Connor Kass

About Me


My name is Connor Kass, and I am currently a junior student at Washington & Jefferson College. I am studying both Computing and Information Studies as well as Mathematics and I intend on going to graduate school to pursue a Masters or Ph. D. in one of two fields. I am particularly interested in studying and developing Artificial Intelligence systems and I have thoroughly enjoyed my Data Science classes at W&J, so I would like to pursue further education in Data Science. I also would love to continue studying Mathematics, so I am currently deciding whether I want to pursue a higher education in Data Science or Mathematics. As of right now, I am currently leaning towards data analytics since I would like to work in field with direct applications. However, I have always had a deep passion for mathematics, so I would not be surprised if I end up changing my mind and studying Mathematics in graduate school.

I grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the small town of South Park. I attended South Park High School and graduated with a 4.36 GPA and ranked 8th in a class of approximately 150. I enjoyed studying the natural sciences and mathematics in high school, and initially entered college with the intent of studying Biochemistry and becoming a medical doctor, but an organic chemistry class quickly crushed those dreams for me. I then decided to take some CIS classes and I really enjoyed these classes, so I declared a CIS major as a sophomore. I continued taking Math classes and I was well on my way to meeting the requirements for the Math minor, so I picked up the Math minor as well. However, I realized that I wanted to continue taking more math classes than were required for the minor anyways, so I declared a Math major as well during my junior year.


In my free time, I enjoy watching Netflix. Recently, I have been watching the series Peaky Blinders and I have been enjoying that a lot. I have also been watching the show Suits since I have been seeing many clips of it on TikTok and I recommend that show as well. I also enjoy reading about science and technology whenever I have the time. Recently, I have been reading a book by the famed astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson titled Death by Black Hole and other Cosmic Quandaries, and I heavily recommend this book for anyone who has a curiosity for space.

I regularly weight train and I love to play basketball recreationally. I am also a huge fan of MMA, particularly the UFC, and I hope to take some Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes when I have the time. I used to be a huge fan of the NBA as well because of Kobe Bryant, but my passion for the sport began to fade whenever Kobe retired in 2016. I would like to get into the NFL more, but I struggle to find the time to watch games, especially since the NFL season coincides with the academic year.

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